Figen Eren
Dental Aesthetics

It is now very easy to have an aesthetic smile. Make an appointment to have your teeth designed in the most suitable way for your mouth and face.
Trauma to Primary or Permanent Teeth:
Contact your dentist without delay.
Damage caused by every lost hour after trauma
is enlarging.
Until You Reach Your Dentist:
Cleanse the wound with warm water. Apply a cold compress to that area.
Save any broken tooth fragments.
If the tooth is completely removed:
Find the female. Get it without touching the root as much as possible. Tooth
Milk is the ideal environment to keep the tooth until you go to the dentist.
As soon as possible by preserving it in pasteurized bottle or pet can milk.
go to your dentist.
Bitten Lip, Tongue, or Cheek:
Put ice on the injured area. If there is bleeding, apply gentle pressure with a clean gauze pad. If the bleeding does not stop within 15 minutes, contact your dentist.